Jan 07, 2011 from 22:00 to 05:00
Club Oto
Indie / Rock / Pop
Door: 2500 w2/d Flyer: 2000 w/2d
▼GUEST DJ:新井仁 ▼GUEST DJ:曽我部恵一 ▼from England to me! DJs 長嶋智彦(ダーリンハニー) 関山雄太(Playing Pate) iwaholi(SpinASS, Playing Pate) 服部太郎 たくみ (ライフライン) Figgy Manu
From England to Me bills itself as an "indie alternative pop rock electro party". Despite the name they don't just play English music. Be warned that Club Oto where this event is usually staged is not massive.